Facebook game addicts have you got bored of sending gifts continuosly but getting nothing in return??? There is an script called PS Wall scrubber which will automate the process of sending and recieving the gifts
This script will do the following Requests
- FB - Accept all Face Book friend requests and suggestions
- FB - Ignore all Group, Page, and Event requests
- MW - Accept all Mafia Wars Gifts, Boosts, Energy, Secret stashes, etc. You are able to select which secret stashes you would like to accept
- MW - Participate in Wars. You can select which wars based on the reward prize offered.
- MW - Help in Crime Sprees. Send all gift request and collect the reward for the first five (5) per day.
- MW - Play Slot Machines.
- MW - Accept Mission requests based on level of difficulty.
- FV - Accept all Farmville request.
- FV - Help on build requests
- Other - Ignore all other game request
Wall notifications
- Process all wall notification.
- Daily limits are used to where needed.
Crime Spree Gifts
- it will open your respect gifts.
For Firefox users
In order to run the script you need Greasemonkey addon
After that download the script from here.
For Chrome users
You need to download the script here
But there's a slight problem with Chrome, it will not install automatically unless it came from Chrome Web Store
So the trick here is to download the file then
Open this url: chrome://chrome/extensions
How to automatically send and recieve gifts on Candycrush saga And Fam ville
Reviewed by My Views

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